Saturday, November 21, 2015

Brooke's Story

For me, I've grown up in an active family. Very involved in the church. Parents serving in all various callings. I was always active growing up. Never had moments of doubt or being wayward. I feel the most impactful moments for me was EFY. I went twice. Amazing experiences. Truly heartfelt moments with the power of music. I've had the opportunity growing up in singing at different events, I love singing my testimony. Another impactful moment was Oakcrest. I really saw my own testimony came to be was in moments of EFY and Oakcrest. As the years went by, I graduated from seminary, Highschool, went on to Logan to attend USU. I was very active. Served in various callings. I went for a few semesters and decided one summer rather than live at home and work I would attend UVSC and do summer school and work. So, I moved to Orem. Great roommates, awesome job, going to school and began having thoughts of serving a mission. Thoughts turned into promptings. Promptings turned into heavily undeniable messages from Heavenly Father. One day in particular, I went up to the mountains to pray and received a great spiritual impression as I read my patriarchal blessing and there it stated "you will bring many many individuals to the knowledge of the Gospel though the form of a full time mission." That was enough for me. Few weeks later papers were in, end of that semester in Dec 2005 I had my call and was on my way! Being called to GA was a shock, as I had Spanish experience and was hoping to go to a remote area of the world, nope! Haha. Serving in the south was a rewarding experience. Serving the people there was the best decision of my life and the greatest blessing. I come from the opinion that young women have the power to open doors and hearts that no else can. How blessed and lucky that I went. It is a privilege that I will never discount. My hope is for all young women, who have the chance to go.. GO! I could never imagine my life any other way! It's the only way I know how! It has blessed my marriage, my family. The connection Steve and I have from being retuned missionaries is so priceless and special can you tell how happy I am that I served! Major testimony builder. I taught and was taught. My heart will always be there in southern GA. Savannah, ft Stewart, Valdosta, blacks hear.. Always and always my heart is still there. How I wish I could be in two places at once!

I love this gospel. I know ever principle of it to be true! It changes lives, and did mine. I hope for my children to grow up strong in the gospel and when they have doubts to search, ponder and pray. There is so much we as parents can do, to help our little ones have that firm, sure foundation.

Miss you grandpa smith!
Merry Christmas grandma smith!
We love you and your Christlike example


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